My new exhibition "2020 Pandemic: Visions of London After People" is coming to The Camera Club from the 26th of September to the 27th of October. Open View is the 5th of October at 6:30 pm.
About this project:
"March 2020 is a date that will go down in our recent world history for many reasons. In London, this was the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdowns. The pulse of the city came to a halt. The people, which had been its lifeforce, were confined to their homes for their own protection and the protection of others. An unnatural silence fell over London and looking at its empty streets felt eerily post-apocalyptic.
At the time, I was living alone near London Bridge, which put me within walking or cycling distance of many of the most iconic sites of London. Day in and day out, I walked the streets of London with a camera at hand and captured the impossibility of the city's silence.
This exhibition represents a visual diary of these walks. The photos are organised chronologically, with the title of each page being the date when the photo was taken, followed by the specific location, and time (24 hour time format).
It has been three years since I took these. It now feels like a lifetime ago. A lot has changed and nothing has changed. The city is once again buzzing with life, but this apparent return to normality has been affected by our shared experience of the pandemic lockdowns. I hope that this visual diary will help us remember and reflect on what we left behind and the journey ahead of us."
You can see some of the images from this exhibition in my dedicated page here.
Additonal Information:
All exhibition prints will be for sale at £35 each. The photos are A3 digital prints (on recycled White Beluga Paper, 250gr).
As part of the exhibition I have created 5 photography zines that contain a larger selection of what will appear on the walls. Printed copies can be pre-orderd at £10 each, and digital copies will go for £3.99 each. More details to come on how to make these purchases soon. Please, visit my shop to make your purchase.
There will be a Closing View on the 27th of October at Gallery 1885, The Camera Club, from 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm. All welcome!